Arts and Media
General Education in Arts and Media Program
Phase 1: “The fundamentals” (Unit 1, U2, U3)
Unit 1: “Artistic workshops / Workshop”
Unit 2: “The notion of French culture and cultural diversity”
Unit 3: “Languages and integration”
Phase 2: “Mastery and training” (U 4, U1 and U2)
Unit 4: ““Languages and interactions”
Unit 1: ““Artistic workshops / Workshop”
Unit 2: “The notion of French culture and cultural diversity”
Phase 3: "Deepening and professionalization" (U 5, U6 and U7)
Unit 5: “Artistic workshops / Workshop”
Unit 6: “Towards professionalization”
Unit 7: “Various artistic expressions and the art of speech”

Master of Science (MSC) program
This program is positioned at bac+4. The year is divided into two course periods and an internship period validated by an internship report in which the student must build his professional project in trade and international affairs.
MBA program (bac+5)
The MBA year is divided into two course periods and an internship period. After developing his expertise, the student can deepen his training in DBA.