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Commerce and Business International

Training aims

The international trade specialty offers training focused on professional integration in the areas of international negotiation, purchasing and marketing. It is therefore essential, in addition to the fundamentals in the fields of commerce and management and marketing, to acquire a good command of languages, foreign cultures, law, political systems, international relations... In other words, to develop, in addition to a keen sense of the corporate and business world, an interest in the cultures, the different mentalities, which make up a globalized world.

Image by Ilya Pavlov

Bachelor program

In accordance with the French standard, the Bachelors offered at IPLME are established over 3 years.

Each year is divided into 2 course periods and 1 internship period validated by the writing of an internship report which will relate to a professional project already envisaged and proposed by the student. The courses are mainly structured around a common core in economics, social sciences and management, but several specialization courses contribute to opening up the field of understanding international issues.

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